I believe there is beauty all around. I want to capture it, and I want to live it. I want to photograph you—the person you are today and the times you’ll want to remember 30 years from now. I want to capture the sensitive, dedicated, driven, creative, charismatic, athletic (and working on it), optimistic and still-growing you: a beautiful work in progress.

In addition to photography, I’m obsessed with smiles, group fitness classes, and Netflix originals (Grace + Frankie mostly). I love living life in Colorado and trying to make the world a better place, one picture at a time.

So let’s go for a walk together. Reach out to me here, come to one of my workout classes, or just stalk me through social media. I promise the worst that can happen is that we capture an embarrassing photo to blackmail you with for the rest of our lives.

Let’s make some memories together.

What makes me feel alive

Do you ever ask yourself, what makes you feel alive? I ask myself that every day, and have come to the realization that these are just a few of those things: making strangers smile, hugs, volunteering, expressing myself creatively, laughing until it hurts—just being. This is what inspires me and what I strive to capture in my photography every day. This is what life really looks like. It’s not posed and it’s not like the movies—it’s way better than that.

A few of My Favorite Things

There are some things in this world that just make you happy. For me, those things are fresh sunny snowy days, hikes out in nature, a recently vacuumed and mopped floor, keeping my plants alive and happy, cooking breakfast anytime of the day, laying under a heated blanket, and of course, surrounding myself with people I love.

Fun random facts

  • I'm from Cali, Colombia (South America).
  • I backpacked through Europe for about 4 months.
  • I teach group fitness classes during my free time: BodyPump, BodyCombat, and soon BodyFlow.
  • I love gummy bears more than anything in this world (besides my family and friends).
  • When I’m not behind the camera, I’m a full-time Art Director for a tourism and travel marketing agency
  • I dog sit on Rover from time to time, so if you're looking for a pet sitter, I'm your guy.

Ashley + Andrew

“Felipe has a magical way of capturing the in between moments of love, the ones most people don’t get to see themselves in. I am in awe of the beautiful way he has captured my happiest memories and I’m truly left speechless every time. I am so thankful and blessed by his incredible talent!”

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words of gratitude

words of gratitude